
Now that we know the lingo, let’s get to it!

Now that we know the lingo, let’s get to it!

The 5 C’s are bones of a true survival situation. Yah, a B.O.B or B.O.L. would be ideal as they would encompass (at least they should) the 5 C’s. Cutting...

Now that we know the lingo, let’s get to it!

The 5 C’s are bones of a true survival situation. Yah, a B.O.B or B.O.L. would be ideal as they would encompass (at least they should) the 5 C’s. Cutting...

Ready. Set. Wait, what does that mean??

Let’s Do This We aren’t promising deep conversations here – just the basics.  The goal  is to be brief and direct with terms you will see in future posts. Others...

Ready. Set. Wait, what does that mean??

Let’s Do This We aren’t promising deep conversations here – just the basics.  The goal  is to be brief and direct with terms you will see in future posts. Others...

Survivalist. Yah - that's you.

Survivalist. Yah - that's you.

So, what does Survivalist mean?  Is it the end of days? Dig a hole and eat worms? Going to a remote spot in the mountains (or the like) and living...

Survivalist. Yah - that's you.

So, what does Survivalist mean?  Is it the end of days? Dig a hole and eat worms? Going to a remote spot in the mountains (or the like) and living...